Gain confidence & clarity in guiding your child with a respectful, connection-based approach


Empowering Preschoolers with Positive Discipline


Invite more joy, connection, and curiosity into your home. Learn positive and respectful methods to move beyond misbehavior and guide your child with intention.

Consultations & Coaching

Get one-on-one support with me, a certified Montessori & Positive Discipline educator. Schedule a session and together we can find solutions specific to your situation.


Hi, I’m Charlotte

I help parents, caregivers, and teachers navigate Montessori and Positive Discipline principles so they can be present with children, avoid overwhelm, and feel capable and confident in supporting the child’s natural learning and developmental processes.

With individualized guidance, tools, and strategies you can feel equipped and empowered in your respectful caregiving journey.


“It was so wonderful to have guidance on how to teach interesting concepts, try new things, introduce new ideas, and expand my daughter’s mind.

I watched us move from ‘getting by’ each day, to an excitement and curiosity to learn about new concepts.”

Katherine, Texas, USA